Don’t Pay for Midjourney: Here is the Free Alternative

Are you ready to unleash the power of a new tool that allows you to create stunning images with ease? In this blog post, we will explore two paths you can take with this tool: the No-Code option and the Code option. Both paths offer exciting possibilities, and by following a simple setup process, you can dive into creating amazing images. Let’s get started

Getting Set Up:

To begin your journey with this tool, follow these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Create a free account within seconds to access the tool.

Now that you’re all set up, let’s explore the two paths and see what you can create.

Option 1: No-Code

The No-Code option allows you to generate images without writing a single line of code. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Log in to your account on the tool’s website.
  2. Click on “Generate Images.”
  3. Enter your desired text prompt. You can even use negative prompts to avoid specific image elements.
  4. Click on “Generate.”

In the mean time while Leap generating your images check out these new AI tools:

Option 2: Code

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, the Code option allows you to access Leap’s Realistic Vision model directly via an API. Follow these steps:

  1. Access the provided link:
  2. Once you’re on the code platform, return to your Leap account and copy your API key.
  3. Implement the starter code provided in the link to integrate AI features into your app swiftly.

Exciting Additions and Features:

Leap offers even more features to enhance your creative journey:

  • Text and video generation functionalities are coming soon.
  • Discover the Ambience: AI Wallpapers and Quotes Chrome extension from the Chrome store. Add it to your browser and enjoy beautiful AI-generated images on every “new tab.”


With the No-Code and Code options, this new tool opens up endless possibilities for creating stunning images effortlessly. Whether you prefer the simplicity of No-Code or the flexibility of Code, you can dive into image generation and experience the power of AI. Start your journey today and unlock your creative potential with this incredible tool!